Hi, I'm back. It's been a while.
First of all: sorry for disappearing for so long. I feel really bad for not giving you all any signs of life. Just so you know, I'm still well and denied.
Second: thank you for your support. I've received private messages asking if I'm ok from a few of you. Thank you for your concern. Also, I've noticed that I still get new followers on reddit even though I haven't posted in a long time. Just curious, how do you find me? Do you keep scrolling so far down to reach my old posts? Did someone mention my captions somewhere?
Third: about reddit. As I said previously I won't be posting every caption there. I might post once in a while, just to remind people about the blog.
Forth: I think most of my readers would appreciate more similar content. If you know more places over the big Internet feel free to post the link in the comments under this post (or any of the next posts actually). Be it a blog like mine, reddit account or something else. If we find enough interesting stuff I might even make a page with all the links and pin it to the sidebar. Never enough denial.
Lastly: enjoy this new caption.
Let's try the blog one more time. I've got a few captions prepared. And yes, there will be a 100 special (kinda).
Uncaptioned source for image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/61916258. The listed artist is NyaSa.