Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Captions 55-60: Introducing Morph Cloth



Sorry about the delay. I know I promised new captions soon but my PC gave out on me. I had to get it fixed to post.

This time it's something different than my usual stuff. Since I'm kind of an exhibitionist myself I thought something like this should have it's place on my blog. Let me know if you want to see more Morph Cloth.


  1. just a thought your obi at night forces you to sleep in a straight jacket and bound legs and when you get up for work/school you have rope bindage with cloth covering the holes in between the rope so you can see the rope but your still covered

  2. I'm into the idea, though at least from this batch, the ones without an explicit denial element aren't really doing it for me. But obviously that's just one idiot's opinion.

  3. Very cool. I like the idea of clothing that gets more transparent or revealing the more aroused the wearer is.

  4. I love this idea! and yes the changing color cycle is so cool! Walking in public not knowing when you will be wearing transparent clothes, would turn me on so so much!
